Friday, January 16, 2009

Scripture Memory

Scripture Memory is something I have wanted to do for some time So when I read Beth Moore’s post asking her blog readers to sign up to memorize 24 scriptures in 2009 I quickly signed up… along with about 2400 other women… and maybe a few guys.

So here is how it works…. Get some note cards. I personally chose spiral index card in assorted colors purchased at Staples. I chose the spiral bound so they would be easy to carry with me.

Let me know that you are going to participate by posting a comment. Include your 1st name, city, & state.

On the 1st & 15th of every month you pick out a scripture verse to memorize. Everyone picks out their own… a verse that means something to you.

Come back to my blog on the 1st & 15th of every month to see what verse I am memorizing & post the verse that you have chosen.

Write the verse on your index cards. Carry the index cards with you & begin to memorize your verse. Recite your verse out loud whenever you get the chance.

I know you have missed January but it is not too late to start!

Check back tomorrow & I will tell you what verses I chose in January.


I have wanted a blog for some time now & have finally taken the time to enter the blogging world. Check back in as it is my intent to post a couple of times a week the happenings here on the ranch & in our lives. I work full time as a project manager, help my husband on our ranch, keep up with normal household stuff, & occasionally carve some time out for me. So I imagine most of you will not be surprised when I do not post as frequently as I intend.