This past weekend I attended her funeral.
In the process of preparing for her funeral we discovered a book my young niece had given to her several years ago. The idea of the book was that my grandmother answer one question per day for a year about her life & childhood. Much to our delight we discovered that she took the challenge.
We discovered things like the worst thing she ever did was each morning on her way to school she would take off black stockings her step mother made her wear & hide them under a bridge. She then picked them up on her way home.
I knew her mother passed away when she was only 4 years old. It broke my heart to read her answer to the question "Tell me a favorite memory of you mother". Her reply... I was only 4 years only when my mother died. I don't remember much about her but I remember enough to know that I still miss her.
Grandma & I sometime in the 1960's
This treasure meant so much to my family. I encourage you to document your life for your family.
A couple of ideas...
- Take Cathy Zielske's Me The Abridged Version at Big Picture Classes - whether you have scrapbooked in the past this class is for you. I have taken it & loved it.
- Order a book like this & give it to a Mother, Father, Grandmother, Favorite Aunt, etc. to complete.
The preacher concluded his sermon with Proverbs 31: 10 - 31
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverb 31:30 NIV
I miss you Grandma!